Looking Back on 2022

Looking Back on 2022

  • 02/7/23
We blinked, and 2022 was over. But upon reflection, 2022 held so many exciting developments and accomplishments for our Caskey Real Estate Group. 

First and foremost, we helped over 100 families buy and sell their homes! This industry is often viewed in numbers - how much did you sell, what’s the highest listing, how many transactions? But when you love what you do as much as we do, the only number that matters is how many lives did we change? We’re honored to have been entrusted with the privilege and responsibility to help 100+ families in their next chapter.

We also added three women to our staff. Tiffany Acosta came in at the beginning of the year, full of energy and experience. As our Transaction Coordinator and Executive Assistant, Tiffany has her hand in almost every detail in our office. She’s brought organization, efficiency, and light to the team. Then later in the year, we added an innovative and talented in-house Graphic Designer in Shelby. Her family background in architecture affords her remarkable instinct. Our marketing materials are better than ever under her discerning design eye. Finally, in December, we added a Marketing and Office Coordinator in Sarah Nimptsch. Sarah is brand new to the team but already making a huge difference in improving our office! 

One of Caskey’s broader focuses of 2022 was networking among other brands and agents. We launched LA Coastal Estates last year, and we’ve been thrilled with the immediate response and success. LA Coastal Estates provides a local marketing group for accomplished real estate professionals. Our talented and experienced team boosts visibility, extends reach, and elevates the brands of other like-minded, go-getting REALTORS in our area. We also have weekly meetings and monthly social events that enhance the community feel of this industry. Real estate is all about relationships, and LA Coastal Estates has expanded our outreach even more than we dreamed. 
Our leader Dave was also recognized with prestigious awards and honors in 2022. The LA Business Journal named him the #17 Best Residential Real Estate Agent in LA County. Our team was named the #6 Best Large Team in California by Real Trends. Both also named us the #1 Team in the South Bay! In a state with the most robust real estate market in the world, these awards do not come easily. 

But 2022 wasn’t all work; we had plenty of fun while giving back and getting to know our community. Late last year, Dave was a panelist at the exhilarating Thrive or Die Event. In October, we hosted a beach cleanup in Palos Verdes Estates, ridding our sacred sands of built-up trash. The Caskey Team partook in multiple community events, always bringing popcorn, games, and fun to the party. We sponsored the Skechers Pier to Pier Walk, the St.Patty’s parade, both Fiesta Hermosa celebrations, and the Riviera Village Summer Fest. If you smell popcorn at the next South Bay event, come grab a bag and meet the team!

The year 2022 did not disappoint. And 2023 is looking even brighter.

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We are your local home experts, rooted deeply in our community. Providing valuable market education and continued trust throughout your entire home journey. Creating a sense of home from cove to pier, at Caskey Real Estate Group you can count on us for all your real estate needs. Contact us today.

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